Student services at UNAD fulfills various functions that respond to the Academic and Service needs of students, graduates, professors, media and methodologies that cover areas related to student services, information dissemination, training and professional development of students and teachers.

This department offers statistics of services offered to the student, employability of graduates, updating of instruction, follow-up to students, courses and professors, being responsible for accompanying the academy in the delivery of a quality professional training, guaranteeing pertinence of the programs that offers.

The Department is also in charge of planning, directing, supervising and evaluating the activities that allow UNAD students to attend individually and collectively, in order to seek their welfare, achieve the best use of educational opportunities and promote development. Integral of your personality, offering online support, monitoring, advice and virtual spaces that guarantee your learning and personalized attention.

This Department ensures that student services are available to all students; such services cover areas related to career development, personal skills, academic counseling, employment assistance, and pursuit of studies at other levels.

The office offers a full range of services to students, alumni, and potential employers. These services include, but are not limited to:


  • Information on job offers from all schools: The Placement Center exchanges monthly work bulletins, work bulletins are posted on the UNAD virtual campus periodically. Students and students are offered access to all our job offers online
  • Career Counseling: The Placement Center welcomes students and alumni to discuss any topic of interest that allows them to prepare for a job or to be entrepreneurs in their area (offering online workshops on Entrepreneurship, salary negotiations, Interview techniques, curriculum development, speaking, others).
  • UNAD Florida offers scholarships for new, continuing, returning, and transfer students. Scholarship eligibility is based on factors such as academic performance, course load, research involvement, UNAD alum, or economic need. Read more about the Scholarship Policy, the application and selection process, the benefits granted and the conditions to maintain the awarded scholarship.

These UNAD course are available at no cost to the student. The University assists students in identifying professional development opportunities in the field and with placement, but does not guarantee employment. Students are encouraged to discuss job search procedures with the Center, providing appropriate follow-up to prepare them for job interviews, placement skills, manners and professional conduct in the workplace.


Through our affiliation with UNAD Colombia, UNAD Florida’s students have access to an online library service which offers research tools that comprise periodicals, journals, newspapers, dissertations, books, and other scholarly information. At present e-Bray and EBSCO-host are used. Other online library services may be added from time to time. virtuallibrary 

In the virtual classroom, students have access to the Knowledgebase, where there are books, case studies, presentations, videos, articles, and other resources of interest to the students and professors of UNAD Florida.



Academic Advising

Orientation: All students enrolling at UNAD Florida for the first time will discuss their personal goals, as well as program and course requirements, with University officials.

Ongoing Counseling: UNAD Florida is committed to providing students with the guidance they require to complete their program of study. UNAD Florida is also committed to help students apply the knowledge they gain to their professional activities. For explanations or advice, students may contact their instructors, the Director of Student Services or the Academic Dean.


Student Representative

A Student Representative looks after the interests of students. The Student Representative is appointed for a period of two years by the Academic Dean in collaboration with professors. The Student Representative sits on the Board of Directors of UNAD Florida and has a vote at Board meetings.

Career and Placement Services

The Career and Placement Services Department impacts the entire institution. Students benefit from the ability to learn as much as possible about the career they are training for. Graduates benefit from job search assistance. Alumni benefit from special services geared to their goals for raises, job promotions, and how to deal with lay-offs. Employers benefit from graduates who are work-ready. The Admissions Department has up-to-date information about the job-search process, services, and placement success. Students who consider enrollment want to know this information.

UNAD Florida offers employment advice to all students and alumni via the Career and Placement Services Director. We share local and national job opportunities, career advice and tips all available through our website portal. We also send out periodic emails with job fair information. UNAD Florida cannot guarantee job placement. Graduates may encounter employment limitations due to language, market constraints and other economic variables.


Technical Support

There are several tools available for students to learn how to navigate UNAD Florida’s online platform. These include:

  • Two free, non-credit informational courses are available for all students and instructors. These courses guide users through the functioning of the online platform. These courses are not related to academic content, but rather are a tool to better understand the online platform.
  • Support Forum: The support forum allows students and instructors to post a platform- related question or problem at any time. Questions posted in the support forum receive a response within 24 hours.
  • Chats: For real-time support, students and instructors can use Skype, a free online voice and chat system that connects users with technical support staff.
  • FAQs, Demos, Manuals.

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