Maximum Number of Students per Class

UNAD Florida establishes a maximum of 25 participants per course. In search of a more personalized and individualized attention to the student, it guarantees the permanent interaction with the Faculty.


On the first day of class, students receive a copy of the course syllabus and course outlines and objectives.

Responsibilities of the student during class development

Participation on chats, forums and any other activities is necessary for the achievement of learning objectives.

You should check the course site and the informative board regularly.

You must read the recommended materials for every Week (case studies, book chapters, presentations, etc.). Take in consideration that the slides provided for each unit are only for support and quick reference, the complete material you must read is the recommended chapter of the book.

You must respect the due dates for every activity. Late deliveries won’t be accepted and the system will automatically block your opportunity to send activities after their due date. Don’t wait for the last minute to post or send your responses to the activity.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance in online courses is expected throughout the length of the term. Students who do not attend within the first week of a semester by submitting an academic assignment (such as the course requirements checklist, an examination, written paper or project, discussion board post, or other academic event) will be dropped from the course roster at the end of week one and will not be allowed to submit further course work. The student may appeal to their instructor to remain in the course.

The student alone assumes responsibility for course work missed from non- attendance. A student who presents the instructor with an adequate and documented reason for absence may be given an opportunity to make up the work missed.

Students who begin attendance by submitting an academic assignment but eventually cease progressing toward the completion of the course will be assigned a grade of AW during the semester.

Academically Related Activities (ARA)

To maintain continuous enrollment, the following activities that occur on or after the course start date and on or before the course end date will be considered academically related activities (ARAs). ARAs determine a student’s enrollment status with the school. Students can maintain continuous enrollment by ensuring no more than 14 days’ elapse between posting an ARA or sooner if required by Professor. Examples of an ARA are: complete a unit quiz and/or similar assessment, complete all required weekly assignments, post at least 3 times to an original forum posting and respond to two classmates on different days of the week, attend a virtual session as scheduled by professor. If a student fails to complete at least one of these activities the student will be marked absent.

Academically Related Activities (ARA)

Last day of attendance policy/statement – this is the day a student had an academically related/recorded activity, which may include projects, examinations, etc.

Date of Withdrawal policy/Statement-this is the date that administration determines that a student is no longer enrolled at UNAD based on lack of Academic Related activity.

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