Records and Information

UNAD Florida maintains accurate academic transcripts for each student including each course in which the student is enrolled, the term, grade, and credit value. These transcripts are available to students upon request. UNAD florida maintains the following: accurate records of academic advisement and a copy of all decisions made in each academic advisement conference, records of personal counseling referrals made to students (which are kept confidential unless released by the student), a policy of non-discrimination based on disability, and other federal requirements for non-discrimination, and records of placement interviews arranged for the student as well as a record of employment decisions.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

UNAD Florida complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of the 1974 Buckley Amendment, Public Laws 93-380, and Section 438. All students’ records are confidential.

Support Services

UNAD Florida is committed to helping students achieve their academic and professional goals through academic advising. Academic Advising services provide students with information, guidance, and access to resources in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their educational experience at University. Academic advisement is available from the Academic Department upon request from the student.

Educational Accessibility services (disability support)

UNAD Florida provides students with disabilities programmatic and physical access in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act of Amended, of 2008, and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

The student requiring individualized attention, should contact the Office of Student Services of UNAD Florida, stating their special requirements to be considered.

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