Student integrity and academic honesty

UNAD Florida fosters a spirit of honesty and integrity fundamental in the University As an academic community whose fundamental purpose is learning and the pursuit of knowledge, every individual is responsible for following accepted standards of academic integrity and for sharing a commitment to upholding these values in all academic pursuits.

The students are expected to work diligently to ensure that all assignments, exams, or other coursework submitted represents the student’s original work and follows acceptable academic practices. Students are encouraged to work together, as group efforts and study groups are a wonderful tool to facilitate learning and foster a deeper understanding of material in a course. However, students must submit their own individual work always unless instructed to participate in group work as part of a course requirement.

Under no circumstances are students allowed to publicly share (for example on blogs, websites, social media, databases) their work completed at or for UNAD from the end of the student’s final term of study.

All student work must be free of fraud and deception including:

Plagiarism Detection

UNAD Florida will be instituting Turnitin for plagiarism detection throughout the university. Students who take courses at UNAD understand and agree that all required papers may be submitted to Turnitin for a textual similarity review. All submitted papers will then be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database for the sole purpose of detecting plagiarism in future documents. Use of the Turnitin service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the school website. Be aware that plagiarism will not be tolerated, and expulsion is a real possibility. At the very least, any accusation by a professor will be investigated thoroughly and student record noted.

Standards of Student Conduct

Students of UNAD Florida, as well as applicants, who become students and former students, are expected to comply with all laws and with University policies and online campus regulations.

The following types of conduct are unacceptable:

1. All forms of academic misconduct including but not limited to cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty.

2. Other forms of dishonesty including, but not limited to, fabricating information, furnishing false information or reporting a false emergency to the University.

3. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, record, key, electronic device, or identification.

4. Unauthorized entry to, possession of, receipt of, or use of any University services, equipment, resources, or properties, including the University’s name, insignia, or seal.

5. Sexual harassment: sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects a person’s education, unreasonably interferes with a person’s educational performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment. In the interest of preventing sexual harassment, the University will respond to reports of any such conduct.

6. Stalking behavior in which an individual repeatedly engages in conduct directed at another person and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her family; where the threat is reasonably determined by the University to seriously alarm or torment the person; and where the threat is additionally determined by the University to serve no legitimate purpose.

7. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other University activities.

8. Failure to adhere to, or comply with the directions of a University official or other public official acting in the performance of his or her duties while at official University functions, or resisting or obstructing such University or other public officials in the performance of or the attempt to perform their duties.

9. Selling, preparing, or distributing for any commercial purpose course lecture notes, video or audio recordings of any course unless authorized by the University in advance and explicitly permitted by the course instructor in writing. The unauthorized sale or commercial distribution of course notes or recordings by a student is a violation of these policies whether or not it was the student or someone else who prepared the notes or recordings. Copying handouts, readers or other course materials provided by an instructor as part of the University course for any commercial purpose unless authorized by the University in advance and explicitly permitted by the course instructor or the copyright holder in writing is prohibited.

10. Disrespect of instructors in any format verbal or written. Disrespect meaning in the use of language, insubordination (defiance of authority or refusal to obey class rules).

Penalties for Academic Misconduct

Deans may impose penalties for violations of University policies or campus regulations whether such violations are also violations of law, and whether proceedings are or have been pending in the courts involving the same acts.

If, because of an official appeal, it is determined that the student was improperly disciplined, the Academic Dean shall, if requested by the student, have the record of the hearing sealed, and have any reference to the disciplinary process removed from the student’s record. In such case, the record of the hearing may be used only in connection with legal proceedings. Whether or not a hearing is conducted, the University may provide written notice to a student that his or her alleged behavior may have violated University policy or campus regulations and that, if repeated, such behavior will be subject to a disciplinary process. Evidence of the prior alleged behavior as detailed in the written notice may be presented in a subsequent disciplinary action.

When a student is found in violation of University policies, any of the following types of student disciplinary action may be imposed. Any sanction imposed should be appropriate to the violation taking into consideration the context and seriousness of the violation.

1. Warning/Censure: Written notice or reprimand to the student that a violation of specified University policies or campus regulations has occurred and that continued or repeated violations of University policies or campus regulations may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of disciplinary probation, and/or loss of privileges and exclusion from activities, suspension, or dismissal.

2. Disciplinary Probation: A status imposed for a specified period of time during which a student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to University standards. Misconduct during the probationary period or violation of any conditions of the probation may result in further disciplinary action, normally in the form of suspension or dismissal.

3. Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities: Exclusion from participation in designated privileges and activities for a specified period of time. Violation of any conditions in the written Notice of Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities, or violation of University policies or campus regulations during the period of the sanction may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of probation, suspension or dismissal.

4. Suspension: Termination of student status at the University for a specified period of time with reinstatement thereafter, provided that the student has complied with all conditions imposed as part of the suspension and provided that he or she is otherwise qualified for reinstatement. Violation of the conditions of suspension or of University policies or campus regulations during the period of suspension may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of dismissal.

5. Dismissal: Termination of student status for an indefinite period. Readmission after dismissal may be granted only under exceptional circumstances. Restitution: A requirement for restitution in the form of reimbursement may be imposed for expenses incurred by the University or other parties resulting from a violation of these policies. Reimbursement may take the form of monetary payment or appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages. Restitution may be imposed on any student who alone, or through group or concerted activities, participates in causing the damages or costs.

6. Revocation of Awarding of Degree: Subject to the concurrence of the Board of Directors, revocation of a degree obtained by fraud.

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