Grading policies

A letter grade (A through F) is issued for each course taken and represents the final measure of a student’s performance in a given course. Credit is granted for courses in which the student earns a passing grade (A through D-). Only those courses for which credit is earned count towards program completion requirements. D- is the passing grade for any undergraduate or graduate course. The letter grades received in each course go into the computation of a Grade Point Average (GPA). To compute the GPA, each letter grade is assigned a number of grade points according to the following scale:

Letter Grade Letter Grade GPA (4.0)
A 95-100 4.0
A- 90-94 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 84-86 3.0
B- 80-83 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 74-76 2.0
C- 70-73 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.5
D 64-66 1.3
D- 60-63 1.0
F 59 or < 0.0


3.0 Graduate Programs

2.0 Undergraduate Programs

To obtain the cumulative GPA, the grade points earned for each class is multiplied by number of credits that class is worth. The sum of grade points earned for all classes is then divided by the number of credits attempted

Other Grades

Grade Description GPAPoints Credits Earned
I Incomplete N/A No
WP Withdraw Pass N/A No
WF Withdraw Fall 0 No
CR Transfer Credit N/A No


1. “I” – indicates a student filled out a form to inform the professor and school that they need more time to complete a course due to personal hardship, work schedule or requested emergency leave. A student will receive a provisional grade of Incomplete (I) in the following instances:
a. If his absence from a final examination can be justified
b. If his absence of not more than 25% of his work can be justified.
c. If the student has complied with all partial requirements of the course during the semester or part-of-term. In order to remove an Incomplete, the student should take the corresponding final examination or work requirement within the first 30 days of the subsequent semester or summer session. Those students receiving Incomplete in prerequisite courses during the summer session must take the final examination or work requirement within the first fifteen days of the following summer session. The professor has the responsibility of removing all Incompletes. In the case of students not complying with these established rules, the professor will assign a “0” in the corresponding work missed by the student and will report the final grade to the Registrar after calculating the corresponding grades.

2. “WP” – indicates a student that at the time of withdrawal has passed the requirements for that particular course as specified in the course syllabus and/or the professor. Credit is earned but grade is not given or used as part of the GPA.

3. “WF” – indicates that the student has failed the course due to academic dishonesty

4. “CR” – indicates student has transferred in credits from another institution for credit toward degree at UNAD. Credit is awarded but GPA is not impacted as it is omitted from calculation.

University Leave (LOA)

A university leave or leave of absence is a break in enrollment and occurs when a student is not actively taking a class each academic year. The academic year begins with start of the fall semester and ends with the conclusion of the summer term. UNAD Florida has two types of “LOA” and they are: General LOA, and Emergency LOA. A University withdrawal/Cancellation form must be sent to Registrar by deadline listed on academic calendar.

Class Cancelation Policy

In case of extenuating circumstances, UNAD Florida may cancel a scheduled class. The decision for such a cancellation is ultimately that of the Academic Dean. Every effort will be made to provide notice of the cancellation at least one week prior to the first scheduled meeting of the class. The Registrar’s Office will advise the student of the possible cancellation due to low enrollment and any other options including the possible rescheduling of the class.

Dropping, Adding, Withdrawing from Courses

UNAD Florida students may drop a course according to the academic calendar dates. Whether a student receives full, partial or no refund depends on when they submit the paperwork necessary and inform our office. After the publicized add/drop/withdrawal period, no class may be added or dropped without a grade.

Students requesting to withdraw from courses during the semester must submit a request to their academic advisor. Generally, the withdrawal date will be the date the student submitted the email to their academic advisor. A grade of “W” will be assigned to all courses from which the student withdraws within the required time period. A Course Withdrawal form must be sent to the Registrar by deadline listed on academic calendar.

Undergraduate Repeat Policy

The UNAD Florida Undergraduate Repeat Policy is designed to assist undergraduate students in raising their cumulative grade point average by repeating courses in which they previously performed unsatisfactorily and by removing the previous grade from the GPA calculation.

Undergraduate students are subject to the following conditions:

1. When an undergraduate course is successfully repeated, the Undergraduate Repeat Policy will automatically be applied, all earned grades will remain visible on the student’s permanent record, and the most recent grade earned will be the only grade to count toward the student’s GPA. The registrar’s office will automatically apply the Undergraduate Repeat Policy at the end of each term, including the summer term, to all eligible courses.

2. On the student’s transcript, the letter “E” will follow the previous earned grade(s) to indicate that the grade has been “excluded” from the GPA. The letter “I” will follow the most recent grade to indicate that the grade has been “included” in the student’s GPA. The grades which have been excluded from the GPA calculation will not count toward GPA hours or hours earned, but will remain on the student’s record as attempted hours.

3. UNAD Florida is not a participant in the Federal Financial Aid program at this time, thus there are no limits on the number of different courses or retakes in which the Undergraduate Repeat Policy may be applied.

4. The Undergraduate Repeat Policy will only be used on UNAD Florida courses that have been repeated at UNAD Florida. No transfer credit or credit earned though institutional or standardized testing may be used in the Undergraduate Repeat Policy.

5. The Undergraduate Repeat Policy will only be applied when the same course number/title is retaken, unless there’s been a university approved course number/title change and the department confirms that the courses are the same. Course replacements/substitutions are not eligible for the Undergraduate Repeat Policy.

6. Undergraduate courses in which a grade of C, D, F was awarded are eligible for the Undergraduate Repeat Policy. Courses which are NOT eligible for the Undergraduate Repeat Policy are: pass/fail courses, zero-credit courses, and courses with grades of I, AW and or those courses failed due to academic dishonesty.

7. Activation of the Undergraduate Repeat Policy for a prior semester will not affect the academic standing or dean’s list award for that semester. Academic standing or dean’s list in a prior semester can only be changed as a result of an approved grade change.

8. Once a student has graduated, the Undergraduate Repeat Policy may not be used on a course taken prior to graduation to enhance the cumulative GPA which was recorded at the time of degree conferral.

9. A student will have to wait until a failed course is offered again at the university to repeat the course. We are under no obligation to offer a course to meet a student’s desired graduation goal. It some cases it can be a full academic year before a particular course is offered again. Thus, we encourage students to pass their courses the first time they take it.

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