Satisfactory academic policy

UNAD Florida monitors students’ academic performance to ensure satisfactory progress toward a degree.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) applies only to Degree Seeking Students.

The University reserves the right to place students on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Probation Continued, and Academic Suspension, and reserves the right to remove students from Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Probation Continued, and Academic Suspension based on their academic performance and degree program, notwithstanding the Academic Standards.

Academic Honors

To encourage excellence and high academic achievement by students, the Academic Dean has established and will recognize the following categories of scholastic honors for those enrolled in the degree programs of UNAD. To qualify for any of the categories, a student must complete a minimum of four courses (12 credits) in one academic year.

Dean’s List                        3.50 to 4.00
Honor Roll                        3.20 to 3.49

Graduation honors are awarded for academic work performed by the student during his or her undergraduate program with UNAD. The degree will be conferred and printed as follows:

Summa cum Laude            3.90 or above
Magna cum Laude             3.75 to 3.89
Cum Laude                         3.60 to 3.74

Academic Probation

Students who, at the end of each term, do not meet minimum academic standards and course completion rates (defined below), are placed on academic probation. A letter and email is sent to the student to inform them of their status with the school.

Minimum Academic Standards:

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above for Undergraduate Students.
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for all Graduate Students.

Academic probation lasts for one term. If, at the end of the term in which the student has been placed on academic probation, either the Minimum Academic Standards or the Successful Course Completion Rate are not met, the student will not be allowed to register as a regular student for the upcoming term. A conversation is scheduled with the Academic Dean to determine if the student has the academic ability and desire to successfully complete his or her chosen program of study. After this conversation, the Academic Dean may admit the student to Extended Enrollment Status.

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above for Undergraduate Students.
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for all Graduate Students.

Academic probation lasts for one term. If, at the end of the term in which the student has been placed on academic probation, either the Minimum Academic Standards or the Successful Course Completion Rate are not met, the student will not be allowed to register as a regular student for the upcoming term. A conversation is scheduled with the Academic Dean to determine if the student has the academic ability and desire to successfully complete his or her chosen program of study. After this conversation, the Academic Dean may admit the student to Extended Enrollment Status.

Satisfactory Student Progress

Students will be evaluated after each fall, spring and summer terms. Students who fall behind in their coursework or fail to achieve minimum standards for grade point average and completion of classes may be put on academic probation and ultimately dismissed. The grade point average is the qualitative measurement used for academic work at the university. An undergraduate student must maintain a cumulative GPA 2.0 or better and a graduate student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

Successful Course Completion Rate is earning at least 60% of the credits attempted each term. Students will be given a warning semester when the required GPA or pace of completion is not met. A student who is placed on academic warning may register for one subsequent semester under academic probation. At the end of academic probation semester, they will be academically dismissed from the university.

Course Prerequisites

To enroll for certain courses, students must have completed prerequisites, usually in the form of more basic courses. Prerequisite courses are listed with course descriptions as applicable. If a student registers for a course for the next semester while currently enrolled in a prerequisite course, the student must satisfactorily complete the prerequisite course or withdraw from the higher-level course. Courses taken at another institution may be used to satisfy prerequisites, subject to the approval of the Academic Dean.

Mitigating Circumstances

The Academic Dean may grant or extend a leave of absence for up to three semesters to students in good standing, or waive interim satisfactory progress standards for circumstances of poor health, family crisis, or other extreme circumstances outside the student’s control. The student must document these circumstances in writing and demonstrate that he or she had an adverse impact on his or her academic performance. A request for a waiver of satisfactory progress standards must be made in writing to the Academic Dean. No waivers will be issued for graduation requirements.

Academic Policy on Internships

Several courses of study at UNAD Florida call for students to complete an internship as a requirement for graduation. This document outlines the most important facts about the internship process.


1. Students may register for an internship at any point during their academic career

2. No grade is received for an internship; rather, upon successful completion of the internship, students are granted academic credit.

3. Internships may or may not be paid, depending on the agreement made between the student and the employer

4. The standard internship is worth 6 credits. In order to be granted those credits, students must:

(a) work at their internship for a minimum of 300 hours

(b) submit the appropriate forms to the internship coordinator (see point 5, below)

(c) perform work that is directly related to   their field of study. For example, if a student is enrolled in the Marketing and Business administration major, he or she might do an internship at a business office or an advertising firm. If a student is enrolled in Social Psychology, he or she might do an internship at a mental health clinic.

5. Over the course of an internship, a student must submit to the internship coordinator three documents:

(a) At the beginning of the internship, an Internship Agreement Form

(b) After 150 hours of work have been completed, an Internship Progress Report Form

(c) At the end of the internship, and Internship Final Report Form

6. In order to secure an internship, a student may approach a prospective employer directly. Alternatively, the student may suggest to the Internship Coordinator a list of possible employers. The Coordinator will then approach these employers and inquire about internship possibilities for the student.

7. A large number of UNAD Florida’s students are employed. If their work is related to their course of studies, it is possible to translate this professional experience into academic credit, in lieu of doing an internship. In order to do so, the interested student must ask his or her direct supervisor to send a letter to UNAD Florida’s Academic Dean detailing:

(a) The time the student has been at his or her present job and

(b)The duties and responsibilities attached to the job

            Upon careful review of this letter, the Academic Dean may authorize the student to receive six (6) academic credits, provided that student is registered for an internship in the current semester, has worked for at least six months at his or her present job, and the job is directly related to his or her of field of study.

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