The purpose of this document is to provide the student complaint policy and procedure for handling and addressing student complaints.


This policy applies to all current students of UNAD Florida


UNAD Florida is committed to a fair treatment of its students in their relationships with the administration, faculty, staff, and fellow students. UNAD Florida has a policy of addressing and handling all student complaints with fairness, diligence and responsibility for a successful educational process, optimal academic life and superior educational community interaction..


Students may file complaints in relation to:

(a) Decisions by UNAD Florida affecting students;

(b) Educational processes including quality, grading and availability of resources

(c) Quality, timeliness and appropriateness of student services received

(d) Misconduct by a staff member, faculty or student

(e) Failure to receive educational services as contracted in the enrollment agreement

(f) Failure to receive appropriate notifications

(g) Actions by UNAD Florida that violates student rights or privileges

(h) Other not contemplated in this list which affects the student and may be considered responsibility of UNAD Florida.


1.- Students with grade complaints should first communicate with the appropriate course professor. The professor has 5 days to provide the student, an answer to his (her) complaint.  If the professor is unable to resolve the student’s complaint, the professor will refer it to the Academic Dean in writing at The academic dean has 10 days to provide the student, an answer to his (her) complaint.

2.- Students with other type of complaints should address them formally by sending an email to the Academic Dean at The purpose of the written petition portion of the Academic Appeal is to provide the Academic Dean with information which the student believes should be considered during the appeal process. The request should be based on logical considerations and realistic expectations rather than on an emotional plea. Student should provide brief information regarding extenuating circumstances and include appropriate documentation.

3.- The academic dean analyzes the information and takes into account UNAD Florida policies and regulations to determine a course of action. The response to the complaint is sent to the student and recorded in the student file. A student complaint log is used to record the complaints.

The chain of appeals is as follows:

If the Academic Dean is unable to resolve the student’s appeal, the Dean will refer it to the Executive Director. The Executive Director has 10 days to provide the student, an answer to his (her) grievance. If the Executive Director is unable to resolve the appeal, the Executive Director will refer it, in turn, to the Board of Directors. The Board of Director has 10 days to provide the student, an answer to his (her) grievance. The Board of Director’s decision will be final.

Students who, at the end of this process, feel a grievance is unresolved may refer it to Executive Director, Commission for Independent Education, 325 UNAD FLORIDA. Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400. 1-888-224-6684 (Toll Free)


REVIEW: This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often as needed.

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